Ford's Garage

Small garage of one Ford in the big internet

Cygwin Bash and Git Bash in Windows Terminal

Open menu and go to settings
Open json-config
Find object named "profiles", find array "list" inside it, add elements shown below

    "commandline": "C:/ProgramData/cygwin/bin/bash.exe -i -l",
    "guid": "{a1f2ceb2-795d-4f2a-81cc-723cceec49c0}",
    "icon": "C:/ProgramData/cygwin/Cygwin.ico",
    "name": "Bash"

    "commandline": "%PROGRAMFILES%/Git/usr/bin/bash.exe -i -l",
    "guid": "{00000000-0000-0000-ba54-000000000002}",
    "icon": "%PROGRAMFILES%/Git/mingw64/share/git/git-for-windows.ico",
    "name": "Git Bash",
    "startingDirectory": "%USERPROFILE%"

Double check a paths to cygwin and git - it is can be different on your machine